We've had plenty of requests to publicize the events put on by other organizations, as well as requests to co-host events.
We'd be happy to co-host with you if ...
- The event addresses peak oil, climate change, and biocapacity. Factors such as energy descent (aka powerdown), relocalization, The Great Turning, economic evolution, and social equity are necessary parts of the solution. While we understand that some events might emphasize one of these issues over another, the full combination of the above should be part of the underlying understanding or context of the event. (Example: Some events focused solely on global warming might endorse "green growth" or continuing consumption at current levels. However, Transition communities understand that powerdown and economic contraction are an inextricable portion of any viable solutions.)
- The event raises public awareness, or retrains/reskills people, or is designed to get people to shift their paradigm, or guides people in envisioning a positive post-petroleum future, or in other way grows local resilience. (see the 12 steps) Along the way, we hope it can be full of spirit, connection, art, and fun!
- The event is inclusive and free-or-low-cost. Rather than providing an advertising platform for commercial ventures, we are interested in disseminating educational material and building community connections. (see guiding principles)
- We have an ongoing working relationship with you, the event facilitator. If you don't know us yet, come to a few of our events to get to know us and our approach to these issues.
When we co-host events, we include them in our publicity within our Transition networks (email lists, blogs, etc.), we share media resources and other resources, we help distribute fliers locally, and we help craft the context of the event.